It Started With Louise Hay

I was 18 years old when I first encountered Science of Mind, the spiritual philosophy and way of life. It was then that I had read You Can Heal Your Life, by Louise Hay. This book touched me deeply. It made me want to learn more about what Louise talked about in her book, I wanted to know how our thoughts become things.
When I was 19 years old that I learned of Science of Mind. I had somehow missed that Louise was a Science of Mind minister, until I heard her say it on a guided meditation that I was playing for my mother. My mother was moved by the meditation which moved me.
From that time, I looked in my area for a "Science of Mind Church." I would look at each new edition of the Yellow Pages to see what new churches there were in town.
I looked for a couple of years and I found the Tampa Bay Church of Religious Science; it was where I was introduced to the writings of Ernest Holmes. What was then known as the Church of Religious is now part of Centers for Spiritual Living. Holmes is the founder of the Science of Mind and Spirit.
I eventually became a Practitioner and then a Minister of Science of Mind. This teaching changed my life and I believe that I have barely begun to scratch the surface.
I have created this online space to invite myself and you to explore New Thought and "new thoughts" further below the surface and to apply it to our daily life.